Awards & Recognition

The Blue Yonder

The Blue Yonder, has garnered numerous prestigious awards for its commitment to sustainable tourism. Notable accolades include being named one of the "11 Best Places to go in Asia in 2024" by Conde Nast Traveller, and securing the runner-up position at the SKAL Sustainable Tourism Awards in 2023. We have been recognized for our sustainability storytelling by GLP
Films and listed among "10 of the best ethical travel companies" by The Guardian in 2019.

Our dedication to cultural immersion earned us the GOLD award at the Outlook Responsible Tourism Awards in 2017, along with being honored as the Best Responsible Tourism Practitioner in 2016. Additional recognitions include mentions by Express Travel World, PATA Tourism INSPIRE Awards, Golden City Gate Awards, and several features by major publications like Conde Nast Traveller USA, Irish Times, Rough Guides, and British Airways hiLife Travel Magazine.

The Blue Yonder has also been involved with The Asian Ecotourism Society and received the World Savers Award by Conde Nast Traveler USA, emphasizing our impact and leadership in responsible tourism.