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Kerala Day Trips | Cultural Travel

Kerala – A Land of Countless Possibilities

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Our Kerala Day Trips attempt to bring you to the greatest gift of this beautiful land – its people. To the world, Kerala is known as God’s Own Country! Many that come to Kerala are spellbound by its beauty and its vibrant culture. With its abundance of history, culture, heritage and art, many travellers find it challenging to reach the deepest layers of local interaction.


Kerala is where The Blue Yonder story began. What started off as a simple initiative to preserve and restore a river ecosystem, became the primary cause of our existence. Naturally, Kerala is very close to our hearts and by extension, a stronghold for us. For over a decade, we have been working with several local communities in Kerala to document and preserve their rich history.


Embark upon immersive, life-changing experiences with our Kerala Day Trips. Lose yourself in a mosaic of Kerala’s untold stories, culture, heritage, arts & crafts and experience the warmth of its beautiful people.

Kerala Day Trips