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Bangalore art Tour

The Bangalore Art Tour

The Bangalore Art Tour

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Not just garden or IT city, Bangalore is also home to numerous art galleries featuring traditional and contemporary South Indian art. An English speaking art student will be your very own guide for the Bangalore Art tour. Though not an expert on art, (s)He will be familiar with the various galleries. You can pick and choose from the spots on our list and also ask for any other you’re interested in, and we’ll be happy to arrange it. Our list of galleries on the tour include:
NGMA Bangalore: The National Gallery of Modern Art with paintings by India’s best modern and contemporary painters.
Karnataka Chitrakala Parishat: This art institution and gallery always has an art exhibition to visit. Students here learn painting, sculpture, applied art, graphic art and art history.
Venkatappa Gallery: Houses art from 2000 BC to the medieval period and is a popular stop.
Galleryske: Displays modern art and has an interesting building worth checking out.
Shanti Road Gallery: Has courtyards where artists display their work, and is popular for student art shows.
Gallery Sumukha: An art gallery that showcases contemporary Indian art.


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